Think differently
about mistakes
A nearling is a positive word for something new
that was done with the right intentions,
which has not – yet – led to the right result.
In short, the nearling is a better word for failure.
The nearling is part of the 'Reducing Risk Aversion' programme, helping leaders, teams & organisations to be more aware of their culture and processes around experimentation.
Change your mind(set)!
For creativity, innovation & change you need the right mindset & attitude.
The idea killer & booster cards and posters are practical tools to help you on this journey.
Want more ?
These key books help to boost your creative potential !
Creativity in Business
the basic guide for ideas
The book 'Creativity in Business' is the basic guide for idea generation and selection, critical thinking and creative problem solving.
Buy the book 'Creativity in Business'The Change Mindset
survival kit for professionals in change
If you are in search of clues on how you yourself can keep up with the ever-changing world, then this bookazine is a must-read for you.
Not Invented Here
cross-industry innovation
Cross-industry innovation is a low risk, high impact way for innovation, by drawing analogies and transferring approaches between domains.
Not invented here!
The Bingo card
Play this fun 'bingo' in your next innovation meeting. Based on the 'cross-industry innovation' thinking!
Hello !
Do you want a creative boost in your organisation?
🎤 Get Cyriel, Willem or Ramon on stage! 😁
🙋🏻♂️🙋♀️ Reach out! 🙋🏼♂️🙋🏽♀️
Looking for the old inspiration blog?
Check nearling.tumblr.com
nearling, idea killers & idea boosters cards and the posters are powered by Cyriel Kortleven , Willem Stortelder & Ramon Vullings